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Your Car Won’t Start But Battery Is Good, Why?

When your car does not start the usual tendency is to blame the battery for causing such an issue. But have you ever faced a situation, the car won’t start but the battery is good? If not, you have to know that such a situation is also possible.

Cars may have several issues that make them not start other than a faulty battery. We will walk you through such instances that cause your car to not start so read on!

How Did You Conclude That Your Battery Is Fine?

You cannot immediately conclude that your car won’t start but the battery is good by seeing working lights or radio. So properly checking the battery when your car refuses to start may come in handy.

When your battery is faulty, that is, if it can only maintain a small amount of charge, this will go directly to the lights or radios which only require a small amount of charge, unlike your car. So when you try starting the car, the charge it can make which may be small will go to the lights and the radio making you wrongly conclude that your battery is good. 

How To Detect How Good Your Battery Is?

You can make use of simple tests to check your battery’s life in such a situation. These tests are simple and you can do them on your own. 

One such test is the hydrometer test or battery load test. If your battery failed to pass this test, then it is faulty and needs to be replaced. Another test you can do is using a jump start. Jumpstart your car and check the charge of your battery. If it’s showing charge then your battery is fine and your car is having another issue.


Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start But Battery Is Good

1. Fuses And Fusible Links

Faulty fuses and fusible links can be an important reason why your car is refusing to start. You can check if it’s faulty or not on your own after locating where they are.

You can locate the fuses and fusible links using your car’s manual and then you can look for smells or signs of burnt wires or loose connections which can lead to your car refusing to start. 

2. Ignition Switch

If your fuses look fine, then the next part you have to check is the Ignition Switch. You can conclude that the ignition switch is the culprit to the problem, the car won’t start but the battery is good, if you see the following symptoms

  • The Key once inserted inside is refusing to turn.
  • Car stalling
  • Not hearing the usual noise from the starter motor, while starting your car. 
  • Car’s dashboard flickers.
Hand putting car key into the keyhole, starting the car

If you confirm that the ignition switch is the culprit, you are advised to take your car to a mechanic to get the switch fixed or replaced. 

3. Starter

The function of your car’s starter is to transfer the electric current from the battery to the starter solenoid which leads to the cranking of the engine and starting of the vehicle.

If your starter is faulty, you will notice these symptoms along with your car refusing to start.

  • Engine cranks slowly
  • Hearing a grinding noise while you start the engine.
  • Failed engine

It is better to get your starter and other related components fixed if you conclude that it is faulty. 

4. Other Issues

The above-mentioned reasons are the most common ones that result in your car not starting. However, if you do not find fault in any of the ones mentioned above, here are some other issues you can check if the car won’t start but the battery is good.

a. Frozen Fuel Lines

If you are someone who lives in a cold habitat, you will have to drive your car in extremely low temperatures. This will cause your car’s fuel to freeze in the fuel supply lines which leads to fuel not reaching the engine. This will lead to your car not starting.

b. Not Having Enough Gas In The Gas Tank

Your car won’t start if there is not enough gas in the gas tank. Sometimes your fuel reading gauge may be faulty thus resulting in it showing the wrong reading. Thus checking the fuel tank and seeing if there is enough fuel when your car is refusing to start. 

c. Clogged Fuel Filter


Your car’s fuel supply system comes with a fuel filter to filter off contaminants and dirt from the fuel before it reaches the engine. When the filter is highly clogged, fuel won’t pass through the filter, thus resulting in the car not starting. 

d. Your Car Don’t Have Spark

For your car to start, it needs a spark that starts the combustion system explosion which is caused by the initial electric current. However, when your car has a bad spark plug, it won’t be able to produce the spark thus not igniting the fuel in the cylinder. 

However, this is usually a hard problem to detect so here are some symptoms that will help you notice the issue. 

  • Reduced fuel economy
  • Acceleration issues.
  • Engine misfiring
  • Rough idling of vehicle. 

How Much Does It Cost To Fix This Problem?

The cost to fix your car when it won’t start but the battery is good varies depending on the issue. Here is a rough estimate of how much it will cost for you to fix each problem. 

  • Replacing burnt fuses may cost you up to $110 to $140
  • Replacing or fixing your car’s starter may cost you up to $344 to $562. 
  • Replacing the ignition switch will cost you up to $125 to $275

These costs are just rough estimates so they are subject to change according to the vehicle you are using. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

So, here are some of the frequently asked questions about what does it mean when your car won’t start but the battery is not dead, why does my car have no power but the battery is good rtc?-

What Does It Mean When Your Car Won’t Start But The Battery Is Not Dead?

If the car  trying to start but still doesn’t start, this can be caused by a weak battery, dirty battery terminals, or a stuck solenoid and need a jump start, but there are a few tricks to try before breaking out the jumper cables .

Why Does My Car Have No Power But Battery Is Good?

If your car has no power, but battery is good, it may be a sign that your alternator is to wear out. When your alternator stops functioning, on the battery to power its electrical system. When your battery runs out, everything in your vehicle will shut down.

How Do You Tell If It’s Your Alternator Or Your Battery?

If the engine starts but dies immediately, then it is possible that your alternator is not keeping your battery charged. If a jump keeps your car running, but the car is unable to start again off.

How Can You Tell If The Ignition Switch Is Bad?

When the ignition switch is bad-

  1. The engine Won’t Start and the vehicle starts
  2. Intermittent Loss of Lighting
  3. Creates Difficulty  in Turning the Key
  4. Lock/Off
  5. Accessory

What Fuse Can Cause A Car Not To Start?

A blown fuse in the starter circuit , Broken or corroded wiring to the battery or to the starter solenoid or wires which are loose can prevent sufficient power from reaching the starter.

What Sensors Can Cause A Car Not To Start?

A crankshaft position sensor is an essential device for measuring the engine RPM. The car won’t start if the crankshaft position sensor doesn’t work properly. The crank sensor can get damaged which can cause the car to stall or not start.


Your car not starting when needed is a very frustrating situation to be in. Unable to find the cause of this can be even more frustrating. When a car fails to start, we always think that the battery is the culprit but if it is not, we will feel lost. 

This article has covered all other reasons which can make your car not start so you can have a clear idea of what to check when your car acts that way next time.