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Steering Into Trouble: Oil Light Comes On When Turning A Car

Have you ever observed that as you’re turning, a small oil can light up on the dashboard of your car? You might be curious as to why this occurs because it seems like your car is attempting to alert you to something crucial. Don’t worry, though! We’ll provide a straightforward explanation of this in this article.

Your car’s oil may see some fascinating changes when it turns. This tiny warning light turns on to let you know that there is an issue with your oil and that you should pay attention. Knowing why this occurs is similar to knowing why your body requires water to remain healthy.

We’ll look at the causes, why this oil light comes on when turning your car, and what you can do to remedy it. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll know how to keep your car in good working order and comprehend why the oil light likes to join the fun whenever you spin the wheel.

Reasons Why Oil Light Comes On When Turning A Car?

Your automobile is trying to tell you something significant when the oil light comes on while it is turning. This warning light suggests that there might be an issue with the oil system in your car. Maintaining the smooth operation of your car requires an understanding of why it occurs.

1. Lack Of Oil:

Low oil level is one of the main causes of the oil light coming on during turns. Your engine’s oil may momentarily move away from the oil sensor when you turn, causing the alarm to sound.

2. Issues With Oil Pumps:

An ineffective oil pump can cause low oil pressure and the oil light to come on by inefficiently circulating oil during turns.

3. Wear-Out Engine Bearing :

Low oil pressure can also be caused by engine bearings that have worn out over time and created holes where oil can leak out during turns.

4. Viscosity Of Oil:

Oil may not flow properly during turns if you’re using the incorrect grade of oil or if it has grown too thick from contamination, resulting in a brief drop in oil pressure.

You may take the appropriate actions to maintain your engine’s smooth operation and prevent expensive repairs by being aware of these issues. Therefore, if you turn and notice an oil light, don’t ignore it because it is your car’s way of saying, “Hey, let’s check the oil!”

Can I Drive My Car With The Engine Oil Light?

It is not recommended to turn while driving with the oil light on. Low oil pressure can result in inadequate lubrication of crucial engine components, which is what the oil light on the engine signifies. Turning may cause the oil to momentarily move away from the oil sensor, turning on the warning light.

Continued driving in this state could result in serious engine damage, expensive repairs, or engine failure. When the light illuminates while turning, it’s imperative to stop safely, turn off your vehicle, and check the oil level. To prevent long-term harm to your car, deal with the problem right now.

Solutions To Fix The Oil Light Coming On When Turning A Car Issue

It can be unsettling when your car’s oil light comes on when you turn it. Therefore, now we’ll look at some straightforward fixes for this frequent problem.

1. Check The Level Of Your Oil:

Start by using the dipstick to check the oil level in your engine. If it’s low, raise it by adding the proper kind of oil until the appropriate level is reached. This one process can fix the problem easily.

2. Routine Oil Changes:

Make sure to adhere to the manufacturer’s advised oil change intervals. Fresh oil keeps your engine’s lubrication effective and at the right thickness, which lowers the likelihood that the oil light will come on during turns.

3. Use The Proper Grade Of Oil:

Use just the grade of oil that is recommended in your owner’s manual. The oil light turning on is one of the issues that might result from using the improper oil. To make sure you’re using the right type, seek advice from a specialist or your manual.

4. Excellent Oil Filter:

Make sure to use a high-quality oil filter while changing the oil. The oil light won’t come on during turns if there aren’t any fluctuations in the oil pressure thanks to a good filter.

5. Resolve Oil Leaks:

Have it fixed right away if you see oil puddles underneath your car or you might think there may be a leak. Oil levels might drop as a result of leaks, turning on the oil light.

6. Examining The Mechanic:

Consult a mechanic if the problem continues despite these measures. To find any underlying issues, such as a broken oil pump or worn engine bearings, they can conduct a thorough inspection.

Remember that avoiding the oil light from interfering with your drives can be achieved by routine maintenance and attention to detail.

Is It Recommended To Use Any Type Of Oil To Top-Up My Engine?

No, you shouldn’t fill your engine up with any old oil. Use only the particular oil grade that the manufacturer of your vehicle has advised. The performance and lifetime of your engine can suffer if you use the wrong kind of oil. Each engine is made to function best with a specific oil’s viscosity and composition.

The right oil must be used to ensure optimum lubrication, cooling, and wear and tear prevention. Always check your owner’s manual or a qualified mechanic to identify the right oil for your car in order to prevent potential harm.

How Frequently Should I Check The Oil In My Car?

Checking the oil level in your automobile is a good habit to get into, ideally once a month or before lengthy travels. Checking the oil level frequently is essential for guaranteeing the longevity and proper operation of your car’s engine. Maintaining a proper oil level aids in lubricating engine parts, removing heat, and avoiding friction-related damage. Additionally, the amount of oil your car uses might depend on things like your driving style, the environment, and how old it is.

Check the oil level right away and take care of any problems as soon as you see any indications of oil leaks, a burning oil smell, or the oil light on your automobile. By making oil level checks a routine part of your vehicle maintenance, you can catch potential problems early, avoid costly engine damage, and ensure your car runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.


When the oil light on your automobile illuminates while you’re turning, your engine’s lubrication system needs repair. Inaction could lead to expensive repairs or possibly engine failure. Fortunately, you can keep your car in good working order and avoid the stress of seeing the dreaded oil light by checking your oil level frequently, adhering to maintenance schedules, and taking care of problems as soon as they arise. Keep in mind that a happy engine is one that is properly maintained!